Yoga Poses Gallery

Downward Facing Dog
(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
A pose that strengthens the entire body (arms, legs, thighs, back, etc.), strengthens bones, opens the chest, elongates the spine and improves flexibility. When practicing the pose the heart is above the head, which improves blood circulation that calms the mind, stimulates the body and induces an overall good feeling.

Upward Facing Dog
(Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana)
A pose that strengthens the thighs, legs and arms and opens the chest and heart. The pose helps us to open ourselves and our hearts to new possibilities, opportunities, people and be open to prosperity and love.

Warrior 1
(Virabhadrasana I)
An empowering pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, ankles, calves and back and stretches the neck, chest and shoulders. On a spiritual level, the pose connects us to our “inner warrior”, our inner strength and empowers us to overcome obstacles, hardships and reach our goals and dreams.

Warrior 2
(Virabhadrasana II)
An empowering pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, ankles, calves and back and opens the chest and thighs. The pose improves blood flow, concentration, stability and balance. On a spiritual level, the pose connects us to our “inner warrior”, our inner strength and empowers us to overcome obstacles, hardships and reach our goals and dreams.

Reverse Warrior
(Reverse Virabhadrasana II)
An empowering pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, ankles, calves and back and opens the chest and thighs. The pose stretches the waist and entire upper body and improves flexibility of the spine, thighs and chest. The pose improves blood flow, reduces fatigue, calms the mind and makes us feel good!

Warrior III
(Virabhadrasana III)
An empowering pose that entails a high level of focus and concentration. The pose strengthens the legs, thighs, calves, back, abdomen and core, and improves concentration and focus. This is a challenging pose that empowers us and connects us to our inner strength, allowing us to overcome hardships and challenges that come our way.

Triangle Pose
A pose which strengthens the legs, thighs, arms and back, stretches the shoulders and chest and activates abdominal organs to improve digestion. The pose requires concentration and focus and teaches us the principle of “grounding and growth”: Our lower body grounds us while our upper body pulls us up and we must find the balance between the two. This is an important principle to implement in our daily lives: In order to realize our goals and dreams, we must first ground ourselves, build a sturdy and stable base and only then grow and reach for our goals and dreams.

Extended Angle Pose
(Utthita Parsvakonasana)
A pose that strengthens and stretches the thighs, ankles, shoulders, back, abdomen and throat and improves posture. The pose opens the chest and heart and facilitates better breathing. Energetically, the pose enables us to open our heart and ourselves to new possibilities opportunities that come our way.

Pyramid Pose
A pose that stretches the hamstrings, thighs, shoulders, back and improves focus and balance.
The pose calms the mind, quiets inner and outer noises and enables us to find our inner peace and tranquility.

Revolved Extended Angle Pose
(Parvritta Parsvakonasana)
The pose stretches the back, chest and shoulders, strengthens the legs and thighs, improves blood flow and digestion, cleanses and purifies the body from toxins and improves concentration and balance. This is an empowering pose that balances us and connects us to our inner strength and joy.

High Lunge
(Uttitha Ashwa Sanchalanasana)
A pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, arms and entire upper body, stretches the thighs and opens the heart. An empowering pose that strengthens the entire body and connects us to our inner strength.

Heart Opening High Lunge
(Uttitha Ashwa Sanchalanasana)
A pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, arms and entire upper body, stretches the thighs, neck and shoulders and opens the chest, heart. An empowering pose that strengthens the entire body and connects us to our inner strength. The pose opens our heart and enables us to be open to new possibilities opportunities that come our way.

Half Moon Pose
(Ardha Chandrasana)
A pose that strengthens the legs, thighs and back, opens the chest and heart and improves focus and stability. The pose teaches us to find the balance between body, mind and spirit. When we practice it we feel empowerment, openness, light and love and illuminate those around us like the moon!

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
(Utthita Hasta Padagusthasana)
An advanced balancing pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, waist, back, abdomen and improves flexibility. The pose teaches us to find our balance and stability in changing environments, thereby giving us a sense of stability, empowerment and confidence.

Prasarita Padottanasana C
A pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, calves, back and spine and stretches the arms, shoulders and shoulder blades. On a spiritual level, the pose calms the mind. It is important to relax the lips and facial muscles while practicing the pose and practice the “Sthira Sukha” of finding the ease within the effort.

Crow Pose
An empowering arm balance pose that strengthens the arms, hands, legs, and core, stretches the back and improves focus. On a spiritual level, the pose strengthens and empowers us, improves our focus and balance and calms the mind.

Bound Angle Pose
(Baddha Konasana)
A seated pose that stretches the legs, inner thighs, knees, stimulates inner organs, heart function and blood flow. On a spiritual level, the pose calms the mind, thereby relieving stress, depression and fatigue. In order to fully benefit from and enjoy the pose, it is important to relax our entire body, stay in the pose for several minutes and enable the stretch to occur. This is an important lesson in life: After working hard and “doing”, we must let go, release, “just be” and let things flow.

A pose known as the “King of the Yoga Poses” due to its numerous benefits: The pose strengthens the legs, arms, shoulders and improves digestion. Being an inversion, the pose improves blood flow, thereby strengthening the heart muscle and optimize the nutrient flow to the head and scalp, resulting in slowing down the aging process. On a spiritual level, the pose aids us in becoming calmer, more focused, thereby improving our daily functioning.

Dolphin Pose
(Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
A pose that strengthens and stretches the legs, thighs and calves, opens the chest and shoulders and strengthens the arms and abdomen. This is an empowering pose that prepares us physically and mentally for more advanced inversions (handstands, headstands, etc.) and teaches us the importance of being prepared in life: Before plunging into any new venture or project, it is important to practice and make all the necessary preparations in order to succeed.

(Adho Mukha Vrksasana)
An empowering balancing inversion with numerous benefits that teaches us determination, persistence and perseverance. The pose strengthens the arms, legs, thighs, abdomen and core and improves blood circulation and focus. On a spiritual level, the pose teaches us focus, balance, seeing things from a different perspective. We feel energized and happy.

Ray of Light Pose A
Marichyasana A
A seated pose that stretches the shoulders and spine and stimulates the liver, abdominal muscles and digestive system. The pose teaches us to breathe, relax and let go, even in uncomfortable situations, and gives us tools to deal with challenging situations in our daily lives.

Ray of Light Pose C
Marichyasana C
A seated twist that stimulates the digestive system, purifies the body of toxins and wastes, stimulates the pancreas and internal abdominal organs. The pose also strengthens and stretches that thighs and back. On a spiritual level this pose helps us to purify ourselves of everything that is not right for us and make room for new opportunities and possibilities.

Tree Pose
A balancing pose that strengthens the thighs, legs, arms, abdomen and core and improves focus and concentration. The pose teaches us the principle of “grounding and lifting up” since the lower body must be rooted in the earth while the upper body lifts up and there must be a balance between the two opposite forces. This is an important principle to practice in our daily lives: In order to achieve our goals and dreams, we must gound ourselves, find our balance, build a strong, sturdy foundation and only then we can reach our goals.

Cow Face Pose
A pose that stretches the thighs, ankles, arms and shoulders and stimulates the digestive system. This pose is highly recommended for anyone sitting many hours in front of a computer suffering from tight shoulders, For many of us, this pose is uncomfortable and there may be a big difference between sides due to the fact that our body isn’t symmetrical. However, due to its many benefits, it is important to practice the pose and, with time, the body will open up and the discomfort will dissipate. Practicing the pose teaches us an important life lesson: When making changes in our lives, in many instances, we must go through uncomfortable and perhaps even painful processes, but, if we persevere, the discomfort will dissipate and we will reach a newer, better place that is right for us.

Seated Eagle Pose
The pose opens the upper body by stretching the shoulders, shoulder blades, upper back and opens the heart. Sitting with the legs in Gomukasana position stretches the thighs, improves stability and relaxes the body. Energetically, the pose enables inner focus, tension relief and calms the body and the mind.

Upward Plank Pose
A pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, arms and back, stretches the shoulders and opens the chest and heart. On a spiritual level, the pose empowers us and enables us to open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.

Reverse Table Top Pose
(Reverse Table Top Pose)
An empowering pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, arms, wrists, back and chest and stimulates the entire body. It is important to breathe, relax and let go of fear when tilting the head back in order to prevent neck pain, thereby teaching us how to release fear and overcome stress and anxiety in our daily lives.

Camel Pose
A pose that strengthens and stretches the ankles, shoulders, back, throat and improves posture. The pose opens the chest and heart, thereby facilitating improved breathing. Energetically, the pose enables us to open ourselves and our heart to new possibilities and wonderful new opportunities that come our way.

Pigeon Pose
(Pigeon Pose - Eka Pada Rajakapotasna)
A pose that stretches the hip joint, pelvis, stimulates internal organs and aids is urinary discomfort. The pose calms the mind and relieves hip pain caused by stress. In order to enjoy the benefits of the pose, feel the stretch and release of the hip joint, it is important to relax the entire body and stay in the pose for several minutes. This is an important lesson in life: After working hard and “doing”, we must let go, release, “just be” and let things flow.

Heart Opening Version of Pigeon Pose
(Eka Pada Rajakapotasna)
A heart opening variation of Pigeon Pose: A pose that A pose that stretches the hip joint, pelvis, stimulates internal organs and aids is urinary discomfort. The pose calms the mind and relieves hip pain caused by stress. Practicing the heart opening variation of the pose opens the chest and heart and enables us to be open to new possibilities and opportunities that enter our lives.

Boat Pose
A pose that strengthens the abdomen and core muscles as well as the arms and legs. It improves digestion, kidney and intestinal function and improves concentration, determination and self-control.

Garland Pose
A pose that stretches the thighs, ankles, back and neck, strengthens the pelvis and joints, tones the abdominal muscles and aids in digestion and metabolism. Energetically, the pose has a calming effect and calms the body and the mind.

Seated Wide Legged Straddle Pose
(Uptavishta Konasana)
A seated pose that stretches the legs, thighs, arms, strengthens the back and calms the mind. Staying in the pose for a longer period of time improves both physical and mental flexibility. In order to fully benefit from and enjoy the pose, it is important to relax our entire body, stay in the pose for several minutes and enable the stretch to occur. This is an important lesson in life: After working hard and “doing”, we must let go, release, “just be” and let things flow.

Side Plank Pose
An empowering pose that strengthens the legs, thighs, arms, abdomen and core. Practicing the pose improves our concentration, focus, stability, connects us to our inner strength and reminds us that “everything is open, anything is possible!”

Standing Forward Bend
A standing pose that improves flexibility and stretches and strengthens the legs, thighs, shoulders, shoulder blades, arms and back. It is important to release the lips and facial muscles as well as to slightly bend the knees in order to prevent back pain. The pose teaches us the principle of “Sthira Sukha” (finding ease within the effort) and enables self-reflection and calming of the mind.

Lord of the Fish Pose
(Ardha Matsyendrasana)
A seated twist that stretches the spine, opens the shoulders, neck and thighs and relieves back pain. The pose stimulates the digestive system and purifies the body of excess toxins and wastes. On a spiritual level this pose helps us to purify ourselves of everything that is not right for us and make room for new opportunities and possibilities.

Lotus Pose
(Seated Padmasana)
A pose that calms and stabilizes the body, aids in straightening the spinal cord thereby facilitating deeper and relaxed breathing. The pose enables inner focus of the senses and prepares the body for a meditative state.

“The light within me see that light within you”. Our inner light is always shining! There may be days when we don’t see it or feel it, but our inner light is always present. Shine your light and illuminate the world!