
Yael Baruchim

“After my first yoga class (ever), I am pleased to say that I feel so lucky to have discovered yoga with Ronit! Her soft and pleasant voice is very comforting and she gives her all to her students. I left the class wanting more and already felt a slight change inside. Ronit is a very special person and her passion and love for yoga teaching is felt by all. Thank you!”
Limor Larea

“Ronit is an incredible teacher! I enjoy her classes immensely. She is pleasant, interesting and professional in her teaching and I enjoy learning and practicing with her. I always feel that I am “working” and she never gives up on anyone. She adjusts us, improves our practice her care and love for each and every student is felt. I highly recommend her yoga classes!”
Edith Marom

“An incredible yoga teacher!
A fun, flowing class with added value.
I always leave the class feeling good, re-energized with positive vibes.
I highly recommend Ronit’s yoga classes!”
Gaia Tamir

“Ronit is a professional and experienced teacher who makes a difference! I was thrilled to discover this amazing teacher whose style of yoga is perfect for me. Her class was an absolute pleasure and I look forward to upcoming classes with Ronit.”
Sapir Rismani

“For someone who has never done any physical exercise of any sort, not to mention yoga, Ronit’s class was awesome! She is an amazing teacher!”
Mor Dahan

“An incredible yoga teacher! A fun, flowing class with added value. I always leave the class feeling good, re-energized with positive vibes. I highly recommend Ronit’s yoga classes!”
Malka Hod

“The class was amazing and empowering! Ronit’s amazing energy combined with the ocean sunset is an incredible experience. Simply perfect
Or Ben David

“The yoga class I experienced today with Ronit was the best yoga class I ever experienced in my life! Thank you Ronit! Namaste!”
Sigalit Abu

“Ronit, I want to thank you for your endless giving. The class was magical! Bless you!”
Yahli Hamlet

“Thank you dear Ronit for an incredible, uplifting and balancing experience.”
Yoni Tamir

“Thanks to Ronit’s yoga classes, I am able to move more freely and easily without the pain that I suffered from before I began to practice yoga. I am experiencing a huge improvement in my daily activity and in my quality of life. Thank you Ronit from the bottom of my heart!”
Nava Nissim

“Thank you Ronit for an amazing yoga workshop that enabled me to deepen my yoga experience, both in the physical and in the philosophical and spirual aspects. The workshop was wonderful and “on point” and I gained many insights”.
Raanan Ben Ami

“Dear Ronit, the Beach Flow Class was amazing! Calming, liberating, and energizing! Thank you so much!”
Catherine Mor Etrog

“Thank you Ronit for a wonderful class filled with wonderful energy and giving! Pure health and joy!”
Smadar Tshuva

“I am relatively new in yoga. Today was my third class with Ronit and I am overjoyed!
I always feel great after the classes, I feel liberated both physically and mentally. Ronit’s teaching style and connection to the spiritual aspects of yoga is so moving each and every time. The positive energy stays with me for days! It’s amazing!
Thank you Ronit for your wonderful classes!”
Naomi Weiss

“It is a great honor to practice yoga with Ronit and experience the wonderful benefits of yoga with Ronit. She invests more than 100% to each and every student in every class. I have practiced yoga with many different teachers and Ronit’s classes are the most professional and I can feel the results both physically and spiritually. Ronit’s YogaFlow style is very unique to her. Thank you Ronit! You are amazing!”
Nir Harari

“I wish to share the wonderful transformations that yoga has brought to my life. When I first began to practice yoga, I didn’t understand the meaning of the poses and the importance of breathing, however, within a few months of regular yoga practice with Ronit, my entire outlook on life shifted and may wonderful changes that occurred in my life.
Gali Danon

“Thank you Ronit for an amazing class! I left the class “floating on air” and the smile is glued on my face, and will stay there since I am so energized and happy.
I am carrying out all my tasks with such ease and always, after practicing yoga with you, something wonderful happens in my life!
You are amazing Ronit!”
Yarden Lehavi

“Ronit is a professional and experienced teacher who makes a difference! I was thrilled to discover this amazing teacher whose style of yoga is perfect for me. Her class was an absolute pleasure and I look forward to upcoming classes with Ronit.”
Julia Gonen

“Was the best yoga class I’ve ever been to! The energy and freeze from the ocean and the view was so uplifting! I had a painful shoulder before the class and the yoga class no more shoulder pain! Ronit is a fantastic yogi and instructor! Thank you Ronit!”
Nili Mandelblit

“The Beach Flow yoga class was amazing! What a wonderful way to start off the Jewish New Year!”
Nina Levy

"It was amazing to participate at the Ronit’s Sunset Beach Birthday Yoga Class. She is charming and professional and radiates calmness, positive energy and a wonderful experience. I had a great time and thank Ronit for the amazing experience. I highly recommend Ronit’s yoga classes to all."
Orly Alkalay

“Thank you Ronit for a perfect yoga class. Yoga completes my running, stretches and lengthens my muscles and gives me my body and spirit and amazing feeling, especially after running 30 kilometers!”
Naomi Steiner

“An incredible and unique yoga teacher! I float and the end of every class and any additional word is unnecessary.”
Galina Kotler

“"An amazing yoga class and an amazing experience. Thank you Ronit!"
Iris Maimon

“Ronit is the light that is so easy to connect to. Your classes are incredible and uplifting!”
Jordan Lehavi

“So great to return to Ronit’s yoga classes! It is important for me to share how much yoga helped me during my pregnancy and giving birth. At 36 weeks, I found myself hospitalized due to the doctor’s decision to speed up the birth. For the 10 days of my hospitalization, I practiced yoga daily, day and night, in addition to meditating 3 times a day in order to prepare my body and my baby for the early birth. Even though it was my first birth and a week early, the birth went quickly and smoothly. I remembered to breathe in between the contractions and my doctor and doula were surprised that, instead of screaming, I was breathing. That is how Tom, my beautiful, peaceful baby girl entered this world. Thank you Ronit for the yoga and for all the important tools you have given me!”
Shula Rabinovitch-Einat

"Ronit is a wonderful teacher!
She patiently explains how to practice the different yoga poses, and how to reach the correct alignment.
She corrects and gives personal attention to each and every student in such a pleasant and loving manner.
I came to the class after a very emotional day with a lot of pent up anger and frustration.
At the end of the class I felt revitalized and with many wonderful insights.
The wonder of yoga, the sea, the sunset, and especially Ronit!"
Amit Tene

“Ronit touches the different levels of yoga and combines the physical elements with the spiritual elements, granting peace and serenity to the body and mind. Thank you Ronit!”
Liat Sharon

Thank you very much Ronit for a very interesting, inspiring and motivating lecture!
I am now inspired and motivated to resume my yoga practice and return to your wonderful classes.
May Bar- Ein Prat Premilitary College

"I recently invited Ronit to give a talk about yoga at the Ein Prat Premilitary College and was impressed by the depth of her knowledge and passion for yoga and her investment in the lecture.
Ronit explained complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, enabling everyone to benefit from the lecture.
Her teaching style is engaging, interactive and fun, ensuring that everyone is fully engaged and present during the session.
She adapted the lecture to the nature of the college and even managed to adapt herself during the lecture according to the questions and interest of the trainees.
What impressed me most about Ronit is her ability to create a safe and pleasant space for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds and her talk suited very different types of people.
She has a special understanding of how to modify and adapt the lecture and practice to meet the needs of different people, ensuring that everyone is challenged and empowered.
All in all, I recommend Ronit as a yoga teacher and instructor.
She is truly passionate about what she does on a daily basis and her love for yoga shines through in the lecture.
Anyone who has the opportunity to learn from her gains wonderful tools and gifts for empowerment and life improvement.
Shula Rabinovitch-Einat

As much as the talented Ronit knows how to teach yoga, in a professional, thorough and fun manner, so was the lecture.
1. We received practical tools to improve our health, which can be applied at home and at any moment.
2. We received many insights from new research on the benefits of yoga.
3. We got a desire for more and more yoga.
4. We had fun🤗
Dear Ronit, keep blooming and surprising us❤️
Ben Nagar

I enjoyed experiencing and exploring the magic of practicing yoga on the beach!
Everything was amazing and of course you are amazing.
Thank you as always for your patience and investment and giving which is felt by all. Waiting for the next lesson!
Thank you Ronit!"
Yael Mazliach

“Wow! I don’t have words to express the intensity of the experience that I felt with the incredible teacher, Ronit Biger. My soul became calm and serene and I felt peace, tranquility and flow. I moved and flowed and felt my body work hard and it felt good. The class was amazing with positive vibes and pleasant music that caressed us throughout the entire class. Ronit, I want to thank you for the incredible yoga experience that was so different from anything I ever experienced before and it’s all thanks to you! Thank you so much!”