Yoga for Improved Brain Function and Flexibility - Ronit Biger

Yoga for Improved Brain Function and Flexibility

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Yoga for Improved Brain Function and Felixibility

Latest scientific research has found that our brain is flexible with a constant natural ability to change, improve and even repair itself throughout out lifetime.
The brain can change and create new neural connections between different nerve cells in the brain, thereby adapting and adjusting itself to the changing circumstances of life.
The term "flexible brain" refers to the brain's ability to adapt and change in response to experiences and new information.
It reflects the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain's capacity to reorganize its structure and function throughout an individual's life.

Neuroplasticity allows the brain to form new neural connections, strengthen existing ones, and even reassign certain functions to different areas of the brain. It is a fundamental process that underlies learning, memory formation, skill acquisition, and recovery from brain injuries.

Many studies have proven that yoga practice improves brain flexibility and the brain's ability to create new connections, thereby improving brain function in various aspects.

Here are some ways that practicing yoga can improve brain flexibility and function:

1. Enhancing Mind-body connection:

Yoga is an ancient philosophy of life and a system of exercises that include behavioral codes, philosophy, meditation, physical practice and breathing exercises that encourage the union of mind, body, and spirit. (See article ”What is Yoga?”)

The physical postures increase blood flow and oxygen levels to the brain, thereby improving the health and flexibility of the brain.

Since yoga is a "holistic" practice that integrates the breath with the physical practice and connects us more deeply to our consciousness and self, the connection between the body, consciousness and mind is strengthened, a connection that improves the general function and flexibility of the brain.

A study conducted at the University of Illinois found that a 20-minute yoga session significantly improved participants' speed and accuracy in cognitive tests in comparison to aerobic exercise or baseline conditions. Gothe, N. P., Kramer, A. F., & McAuley, E. (2014)

2. Stress reduction and improved emotional well-being:

Excess stress and imbalances in the body can have harmful effects on mental health and cognitive function.
Medical research has proven that an estimated 60% to 70% of all illnesses are caused by stress and body imbalance.

Yoga has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being. (See article: “Yoga for Disease Prevention”)

Yoga practice combines mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises and physical postures that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to relaxation, reduction of stress hormones, and improved quality sleep which is essential for the efficient functioning of the brain.
A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology reviewed 25 studies and found that yoga interventions significantly decreased perceived stress, anxiety, and depression.

Yoga practice incorporates mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises, and physical postures that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to relaxation and a reduction in stress hormones. Pascoe, M.C., Bauer, I.E., & Aerts, S. (2019)

3.Improved Cognitive Performance and Focus::

Yoga practice and particularly balancing poses, have been proven to improve attention, concentration, focus, balance and cognitive performance.

Practicing many yoga postures requires mental concentration and focus and, therefore regular yoga practice improves concentration and brain function.
Many yoga poses improve coordination, the neural connections of the brain cells responsible for motor function and orientation in space and improve the connection between brain activity and physical activity.

A randomized controlled trial conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), found that a 12-week yoga intervention improved cognitive performance and attention span among older adults. Eyre, H. A., Acevedo, B., Yang, H,Siddarth, P., Van Dyk, K., Ercoli, L.,Lavretsky, H. (2016).
Another study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health demonstrated that a single session of yoga improved working memory and cognitive flexibility in young adults. Gothe, N., Pontifex, M. B., Hillman, C., & McAuley, E. (2013).

These findings suggest that regular yoga practice enhances cognitive abilities and support better focus and concentration.

4. Structural and Functional Changes in the Brain:

Regular yoga practice improves the functioning of the cortex, which is the center of conscious thinking in the brain, responsible for the higher cognitive functions of the brain such as perception, cognition, memory, attention, language, speech, emotional regulation, self-control and decision-making.

Research conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in India used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the effects of yoga on the brain.
The study found that yoga practitioners exhibited increased grey matter volume in brain regions associated with attention, emotional regulation, and self-control. Furthermore, functional connectivity between different brain regions involved in cognitive processes was also enhanced. Deshpande, G., Nagendra, H. R., & Raghuram, N. (2019).

In conclusion:
Scientific research of the brain has found that yoga practice improves brain function and flexibility.
Practicing yoga is a holistic practice for mental well-being and thus improves brain flexibility, reduces stress and improves cognitive performance and brain structure.
Integrating a regular yoga practice in our daily routine yields many benefits that lead to improved cognitive function, improved emotional well-being and general mental clarity.

“It is the yogic way to go through a problem, not away from it.
Aim for the center, take a breath, and dive in. Nothing is what it seems once you’re inside.
The deeper you dive, the closer you get to the truth that everything is consciousness, and that everything and everyone is precious and lovable.
You develop a kind of heightened vision that allows you to see through the surface appearance of the world.
Just underneath the surface, love is everywhere." ~ Steve Ross

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